Social Programs
Note: Only members can sign up for programs using the My Senior Center links.
If you are not a member phone 604-732-0812 to register.
Members can go to to sign up for programs.
Weekly Call List: Would you like someone to check up on you? Receive a friendly phone call once a week from a trained volunteer of the Centre. Our volunteer will check in with you and be available for a short chat. Please call 604-732-0812 to be added to our weekly call list. Why? For peace of mind, and because we care.
Mondays, 1:00 - 3:00 pm
Free for members / $5 for non-members
Are you intimidated by new conventions? Bridge skills a little rusty? Come join us for a friendly, informal afternoon of bridge. Experience (recent or ancient) is necessary.
Happy Memories Cafe (in-person)
Once a month. (See newsletter or MyActiveCenter for times and dates)
Members and Non-members by donation
A Memory Cafe is a safe place to ask questions and share your experiences. We will do brain-stimulating activities, listen to speakers, have discussions, and build lasting friendships. For people living with dementia and their caregivers and or relatives and anyone else who is interested.
Click here to learn more about the project, written by Eric Macnaughton from the Building Capacity Project, UBC.
Book Club
Suspended until September (See newsletter or MyActiveCenter for updates)
$5 for members / $10 for non-members
Join us for a lively and stimulating discussion of this Month's book selection. New members are welcome!
Conversation Exchange Group (English & Spanish)
Fridays, 1:00 - 2:30 pm
$5 for members / $10 for non-members
Free activity with the purchase of lunch
Take advantage of this opportunity to practice this language in another language! This conversation group is for people who want to practice their English and Spanish. During this activity, you will converse for 45 minutes in English and 45 minutes in Spanish .